Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mommy's First Post!!

I am not good at all about keeping a journal for myself or my children to read when they get older. Also considering the fact that daddy lost the camcorder charger we have very little evidence of the fun and the craziness that goes on in this house. So one day I would love to print these "Mommy Tales" and put them in a book for my children (which is just Haley and a tiny pea in my belly). Once I get this started and have time I will tell the tale of how daddy and I fell in love, got married, and started our gorgeous family! What wonderful times we have had over the last 5 1/2 years of being married! Our favorite thus far is our beautiful daughter Haley, who is now 3 years old, birthday January 30 2006. Child, you are constantly saying the funniest and strangest things right now. The other day you said "so... whatch fink partner?", and cupped your face in your hands waiting for my response. You are the first to fuss at me when the word "stupid" slips out of my mouth but you are also saying it 2 minutes later. You are a 'rules don't apply to me' kind of child! I cannot even begin to explain the joy that you have brought to daddy and me, not to mention all of the other people you come in contact with, for the most part (your terrorize some of Nana's daycare kids).  I will tell one quick tale from last night, since I do not have much time before I need to get you, my bugga wugga, in bed because daddy is out of town and I have to drop you off at Nana's at 6:00 a.m., so early.
Mommy Tale # 1:

Like I mentioned above daddy had to go out of town for 3 days, so on Monday night I wanted to get to bed early (or early for us, we are night owls), because we have to leave our house at 6:00 to get to Nana's to drop you off so mommy could be at work. So, I get you all ready for bed by doing dinner, bath, bedtime story, nightly yogurt and we laid down at 9:00 p.m. After a good while you were very quite (you sleep with us.... which is a entirely different story for another night) so I rolled over and went to sleep. During the next few hours I felt you move a little and I would whisper "go night night baby", and you were very quiet. So at about 11:40 p.m. I hear you singing a Mama Mia song and doing a little jig in the bed!! You NEVER went to sleep, that entire time of me dosing in and out you were lying there putting on a full on Broadway show. Not only that but when I rolled over you had stashed some toys under your pillow and you had them all lined up and clearly been playing with them all night. Then you pulled the "I'm hungry" routine with me, I am pregnant and exhausted so we agreed that I would get you a yogurt and you would go to sleep. FINALLY about 12:10 you were out, and I was on the count down of how many hours of sleep I could get before I had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. Needless to say I have NEVER been so tired at work before. I was almost delirious, and planned on taking a nap with you at Nana's house that afternoon but got stuck at work really late. So that is why I would like to go to bed like NOW!!! You are our little princess and make me more happy than anything in this world. I hope that I can teach you all about the gospel, the world, family, how to be a good wife and mother one day, and be a best friend! Side note: you call daddy and me you best friends, that is one of our favorite things right now. Sweet girl, we love you with all of our hearts, and we know you will make a fantastic big sister to your baby brother or sister when he or she finally arrives in October!! 

Love you Haley, and I hope you enjoyed my very first "Mommy Tale" post all about my one and only angel!!
