Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Roid Rage"

Oh my poor little babies! We have all (except for daddy) been sick on and off since November, and it has not been fun at all because I absolutely HATE seeing my babies sick. You guys will camp out in my bedroom for days and we all just lay in bed and watch movies until everyone is feeling better. In fact we really do not leave my room at all, daddy is gone all day and most of the night or just out of town for work so we would make a tray of food, drink, medicines, and movies that we would need for the day and set it at the end of mama's bed and just let the lounge fest begin.
Most recently Haley, you got a pretty bad cold and you passed that along to your brother and me. Mine turned into strep throat and Max had a case of croup to go along with his pretty severe cold. We had to take him to the doctor after 30 hours of a non stop high temperature and a barking cough that made every breath difficult for you to take. The doctor did several tests and determined that you had croup, and pretty bad because the last time you had a very mild case of croup and they didn't give you anything for it, they just treated the double pink eye and the ear infection. This time they gave you a prescription for a steroid that will reduce the swelling in your throat, she also said that it would more than likely give you "Roid Rage". Wait...... What?!? Roid Rage?? Hm.... My baby? Having Roid Rage?? Meaning? Well, she said that it could make you irrational, temperamental, and just plain crazy. We did have a incident the first night, you did lose your junk that night, but other than that we have been good. You still do not feel 100% yet, but we are getting there. You just want daddy and me to hold you all the time and give you snuggles, or as Sissy would say "share snuggles". Listen my sweet angel, you need to get better, fast! It is really hard for me to see you and Haley sick, period. I love you Bubbies, and I will continue to snuggle you and give you medicine until you feel better, but you better hurry up because we leave for Disney World in about 5 days!!! Family vacation, and we cannot wait!!!
Now I am off to get dinner out of the oven and clean up our "sleepover" pallet downstairs before daddy gets home. Family Movie Night!!!!! Love you Haley and Maddox! Muah!

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