Thursday, March 10, 2011

Haley's Talk in Primary.

Haley, you were asked to give a talk in Jr. Primary Sharing Time this past Sunday. Now, I am your mama so I am bias but..... YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB!!! You spoke so clearly and were so proud, you held your head up, made eye contact, and delivered an amazing talk. Before I share your talk on here I have a funny story first.
When we were sitting in the Chapel before Sacrament meeting started you were asking me questions about your talk. You then got so excited because you thought that you were speaking in Sacrament Meeting and pointed to the podium and said "I get to give my talk up there to everyone"! I had to explain to you that you were speaking in Primary and not in Sacrament Meeting, and you were so upset that you couldn't get up in front of the entire congregation. You are SO your daddy's daughter and are not afraid of public speaking, in fact, you love it. I am so shy, timid, and would be so nervous to do any kind of public speaking of any form. You also had a conversation with the Relief Society President, Sister Mecham, right before sacrament meeting started. You explained to her that you would be giving a talk in primary and that the talk was about Heavenly Father speaking to us through his Prophets. She asked if you knew what the Prophet's name was, and you responded so proudly "Thomas S. Monson"! I was so proud of you! Then during testimony meeting Sister Mecham got up to bare her testimony and she said "I had the pleasure of speaking with Haley Beatty today before church started and she told me all about her talk that she is going to give in Primary today and she told me that our Prophet was Thomas S. Monson, and that just made me so proud of her and so proud that she knows who our Prophet is and that she is so excited to speak about him today, and I know that she will do an amazing job". WOW! Talk about making a mama proud, and you couldn't believe that she said your name and spoke about you in her testimony! I love you very much my sweet angel, and I could not possibly be any more proud of you than I am right now. I am putting your talk right below this so we have it to look back on forever. The video will come shortly after I figure out how to get it on here.

Heavenly Father Speaks To Us Through His Prophets. By Haley Beatty

Heavenly Father speaks to us today through his Prophet, just as he did in the past. The Prophet will teach us what Heavenly Father wants us to know and do. One of these Prophets were Noah, when he was instructed by Heavenly Father to warn the people that if they didn't repent, a terrible flood would come and cover the earth. Noah built an ark and he and his family were the only ones that had faith and listened and they were the only ones that were saved. Another great example was when a young Joseph Smith went into the woods to pray about which church to join. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him to join none but to restore the true gospel to the earth. He did so and communicated with the members of the church of Heavenly Fathers's will. We have a living Prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson, and he advices us and teaches us what he wants us to know. He tells us to repent, read our scriptures, pray daily, have Family Home Evening, and many other things. I am glad to have a living prophet today and grateful to know and learn what Heavenly Father wants us to.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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